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MAPLUS, VORTEX, SOLDA, GALLIUM suksivoiteet - Sivu 6
- Maplus Fluorcleaner 1000 ml (contains fluor)Special Price 56,00 € Regular Price 70,00 €Liquid cleaner to remove residuals of any type of perfluorinated wax and the dirt collected during activity.
- Maplus Fluorcleaner 500 ml (contains fluor)Special Price 28,00 € Regular Price 35,00 €Liquid cleaner to remove residuals of any type of perfluorinated wax and the dirt collected during activity.
- Maplus HP3 COLD HF Liquid Glider (PFOA-free) -8...-22°C, 500 mlSpecial Price 75,00 € Regular Price 100,00 €High fluoro liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Maplus LP2 COLD LF Liquid Glider -8...-22°C, 500 mlSpecial Price 42,75 € Regular Price 57,00 €Low fluoro liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Maplus LP2 HOT LF Liquid Glider 0...-3°C, 75 mlSpecial Price 11,25 € Regular Price 15,00 €Low fluoro liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Maplus LP2 MED LF Liquid Glider -2...-9°C, 75 mlSpecial Price 11,25 € Regular Price 15,00 €Low fluoro liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Maplus LP2 COLD LF Liquid Glider -8...-22°C, 75 mlSpecial Price 11,25 € Regular Price 15,00 €Low fluoro liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Maplus LP2 HOT LF Liquid Glider 0...-3°C, 500 mlSpecial Price 42,75 € Regular Price 57,00 €Low fluoro liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Maplus Universal Fluoro Cream -15...0°C, 75mlSpecial Price 7,50 € Regular Price 10,00 €High quality universal low fluoro glide wax.
- Maplus Universal Fluoro Liquid, 75mlSpecial Price 9,00 € Regular Price 12,00 €High quality Universal liquid paraffin for sporting use and leisure.
- Maplus LP2 LF Glider Blue (C6, PFOA-free) -10...-20°C, 250gSpecial Price 26,25 € Regular Price 35,00 €LP2 - low fluoro paraffins for training and leasure and racing use at low-medium humidity or as a base before applying perfluorinated waxes FP4.
- Gallium Universal Strong Liquid, 30mlSpecial Price 29,25 € Regular Price 39,00 €Universal fluorinated liquid glide wax for all temperatures and all types of snow.
- Gallium Giga Speed Solid WET (PFOA-free) +10°...-5°C, 10gSpecial Price 119,25 € Regular Price 159,00 €Gigaspeed Solid Wet - solid Topping designed for warm temperature and wet and dirty snow condition.
- Gallium Giga Speed Powder WET (PFOA-free) +10°...-2°C, 30gSpecial Price 209,25 € Regular Price 279,00 €Gigaspeed Powder Wet - Powder Topping for wet snow and temperatures between -2°C...+10°C.
- Gallium Strong Set (Strong Liquid+Paste Hot)Special Price 51,75 € Regular Price 69,00 €Gallium Strong Set consisting of Strong Liquid (30ml) + Strong Paste Hot (30 ml) - universal waxes for all temperature range and all types of snow.
- Gallium Strong Set (Paste Cold+Paste Hot)Special Price 44,25 € Regular Price 59,00 €Set consisting of Strong Paste Cold and Strong Paste Hot (Universal fluorinated paste glide waxes) for all temperature range and all types of snow.
- Maplus Blue Boost Racing Skin Wax (PFOA-free) -5°...-20°C, 20gSpecial Price 45,00 € Regular Price 75,00 €Fluorocarbon special solid mix for waxing ski-alp racing skins.
- Gallium Power Booster Solid, 15gSpecial Price 12,00 € Regular Price 16,00 €There are two ways of using Power Booster.
- Gallium Giga Speed BN_BLOCK (PFOA-free) -10°... +2°C, 50gSpecial Price 48,75 € Regular Price 65,00 €Giga Speed BN_BLOCK - Fluorinated solid additive wax with BN compound.
- Gallium Doctor FCG Solid (PFOA-free) +3°...-10°C, 5gSpecial Price 36,75 € Regular Price 49,00 €DR FCG SOLID - Fluorinated solid topping for all types of snow, at temperatures between -10°C and +3°C.
- Gallium Doctor FCG Solid (PFOA-free) +3°...-10°C, 10gSpecial Price 74,25 € Regular Price 99,00 €DR FCG SOLID - Fluorinated solid topping for all types of snow, at temperatures between -10°C and +3°C.